June 12, 2009
I tried to sleep in today, waiting as long as I could for the rain to stop.
It didn't.
Between the rain and the slug-covered tent (which might come in handy in a survival situation), it made for a more than interesting morning to be sure.
So, I packed up all of my wet gear and headed south on Route 11. Once I reached Patten, I figured it might be a really good idea to check into Room #2 at the Bartlett Lodge, dry out all of my stuff, and take an extremely long shower.
I was right.
This also gave me the first opportunity to check out the blood-spotted trail etched across my forehead (on account of the dew-rag I was wearing) from the 'black fly' invasion of the night before. This'll be an interesting look for the next couple of weeks.
After this, I decided to visit the local lunch counter at Debbie's where I enjoyed the All-You-Can-Eat Haddock, then I walked across the street to take care of my laundry situation for the first, and most certainly not the last, time of this trip.
In the laundromat, I met a pasty white young man who seemed to think of himself as some sort of a Native American. He was sporting a wrestling t-shirt with 'the Undertaker' on it and proceeded to tell me that his 'spirit animal' was the wolf. He also informed me that the local pastor had explained to him that there's more than one way to 'get to heaven'.
I did my best to assure him that there is not and I certainly gave him plenty to think about. So, one can only hope that he finds the truth before it's too late.
As I relax in the hotel room tonight, I'm able to catch the last couple of minutes of Game 7 of the Stanley Cup between Pittsburgh and Detroit.
Pittsburgh wins. What's up with that city this year? First football and now this?
I really enjoy the tradition of good sportmanship at the end of a hockey game when they greet each other in the middle of the ice.
I can't help but think that the average, every-day Asian might think that all of these bearded, toothless lumberjack lookin', pasty white boys might be hard to tell apart.
I know I'm certainly not capable. ;)
And, as I flip through the channels, it's also good to see that Leno has FINALLY been replaced by somebody that's actually funny. The world 'almost' makes sense again, except for the whole Pittsburgh thing, of course.
reminds me of the time i was in the boy scouts of america......was fun though.....like ur blog.....keep writing
ReplyDeleteI grew up in the Scouting program, too.