June 9, 2009
Go west young man!
Today, I get to do just that. It's my first real chance to go in that direction, so it'll be interesting to see what treasures await me yonder way.
My heel is still giving me some trouble as I head out on Ludlow Road. I follow this for several hours until I see what looks to be a homeless man up ahead on the left. As I get closer, he greets me and wants to know all about my travels and such. He says that I'm the first person he's seen on the IAT this year and only a couple of people had done it the year before.
(Now, I realize that I've been traveling pretty much exclusively on roads so far but, unfortunately, that's the route of the IAT in Maine. Bummer, huh? And, not mention, the roads are not lending themselves to be very pedestrian friendly, as of yet.)
Well, as it turns out, my new friend isn't homeless at all. He actually lives on and owns the property. He just doesn't have a house built on it. But, what he does have is pretty amazing. He tells me the locals call him 'Johnny Underground'. That's due to the fact that he has managed to burrow out a cozy little home for himself in the side of the hill. He's got gardens, outdoor bathtubs, an outhouse, sheds, a bicycle, shelves full of books to get him through the winters, you name it, he's got it covered. If I remember correctly, he told me that he hasn't driven a car since the 70's. (by choice, it just got too expensive to put up with)
So, after hanging out with him for a bit, I gave him my copy of Chuck Missler's book, 'Hidden Treasures', so that he would have something extra good to read this winter.
And, as I hiked the next mile west on Ludlow, he came along with me, bare feet and all.
We parted ways as I turned left to pass under the highway and I couldn't help but wonder if he was better off than most.
I finally found myself in Smyrna Mills at the Brookside Restaurant and after having an amazingly satisfying meal, I decided to treat myself to room #2 at their hotel.
(Keep in mind, I haven't showered since I left Zion Bible College. I know, right?)
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