June 30, 2009
I've been told that this is the third rainiest June in the history of Maine. How fortunate for me. :)
The good news is, today it's NOT raining.
Cool beans!
After having breakfast with my new friends, I hiked south on 27 all of the way to Farmington.
It's amazing how something so long and tedious can be written out in such a short sentence.
(the hiking part, not the breakfast with new friends part)
As I approached the downtown area, I was greeted by the sounds of music emanating from the town square gazebo. So, I gladly walked in, took a seat and enjoyed some live music for a bit.
Eventually, I had to tear myself away and find something to eat. Once I established that the Granary had a wireless connection, I dropped in for a bite.
As part of the 'meal deal', I was awarded a free ticket to a local movie of my choice. It's been a while since I've seen one of those things, so I gladly accepted.
I was fortunate enough to have been connected with a local church through the family I stayed with last night. So, I found out where the Farmington Baptist Church was and headed on over.
The people there were great. They blessed me with some dinner and set me up in room #3.
This place apparently serves as quite the hub for a LOT of activity. They have groups come in all the time for lots of missionary work and such throughout the year. So, it was great to take a peek into their world for a day.
As it got later, I made my way back over to the movie theater to check out 'Year 1', a modern comical spoof of the Old Testament and beyond. As you can guess, it wasn't accurate.
For what is was, (a Hollywood movie with an ensemble cast of comedy actors who don't know God) it was entertaining. But, nevertheless, it was quite crude and blasphemous and vulgar, etc...
I certainly didn't think the results would be any different. I'm pretty sure I was just excited to get a free ticket. Oh well, this world doesn't have very much longer. I just wish more people would discover the truth before it's too late.
It's a good thing that's the objective of the team I'm playing for...Christianity.
I guess I'll have to do my part and we'll see what happens.
God only knows and only time will tell.
Except for eternity, of course, which is 'outside' of time, but then I digress...
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