June 4, 2009
Today finds me waking up in the Visitor Center of Houlton, Maine, where I manage to pick up some info about the International Appalachian Trail and we're on our way.
I've decided that the International AT will be the perfect route to follow from the border, until I make it to Mt. Katahdin, which is the beginning of the 'normal' Appalachian Trail.
Now, it turns out the crossover for the IAT is somewhere around Fort Fairfield, but on the way up Hwy 1, we arrive at Mars Hill.
Well, it occurs to me that this is a town of Biblical proportions and, therefore, a GREAT place to begin the journey.
So, since Mars Hill is along the IAT route AND it's on the border of US/Can, that has now become the 'official' starting point for the Mission 2 America.
So, after enjoying lunch in Mars Hill at Subway, we find our way around to the border of Canada.
This is the moment of truth.
This is where I stand at the border, wearing my pack and waving good-bye to Quinn as he drives away in a perfectly good car.
Of course, I couldn't do all of this without first talking to the lady who lives in the house just across the border. I gave her a card and told her what I was doing.
So, that makes her my first official encounter on the mission trip.
I wonder who will be waiting for me at the other border?
It was an interesting sight watching Quinn drive off as I buckled up my straps and did my best to follow the IAT.
It was interspersed with a LOT of ATV trails but, for the most part, I think I roughly, almost followed the correct route.
After about an hour, a local pulled alongside me to 'check me out'. After finding out that I'm originally from Dallas, this man (wearing a San Francisco 49er shirt) proceeded to give me directions to get to the top of Mars Hill.
Needless to say, after another hour of 'attempting' to follow his directions, I finally just turned toward Mars Hill and headed straight up.
It didn't take too long before I encountered my first moose.
He was behind some thicket, to the left, on the other side of a meadow I was crossing when he turned and bolted before I could really get a good look at him. Oh well, hopefully there'll be plenty more opportunities for some interesting wildlife sightings.
But, of course, that's not to say that the mosquitoes weren't a blessing.
They found me about half way up the climb and decided to stay with me for the whole night.
All I can say is, "Thank God for tent screens!"
As I finally reached the top, it turns out that Mars Hill is a ski hill.
I was now sitting at the top of Big Rock Ski Resort.
Who knew?
So, with a lovely view of the city of Mars Hill down below, I found this to be a great spot to make my first video of the trip.
Soon after this, I made my way over to the 'official' lean-to shelter of the IAT, set up my tent inside the shelter, took in the beautiful sunset and tucked myself away from the mosquitoes.
I'm still alive and Day 1 is a complete success.